Yes, I am a Potter fan. I refused in the beginning to be a part of the hoopla, but my sister pushed me. I snuck a watch at the first movie (by then I think the second film was already out) and Maggie Smith made me read the book. ^_^
So, since then, the Potter series has eaten my soul. I went to college where I met people who were more in to the 'fandom' and sucked me into it a bit as well. I even took part in a roll-play or two (eek!). But now it is over. I have my soul back - a little battered and worn, but no longer lurking in dark corners of Hogwarts looking for horcruxes and potions masters.
I'd never been so excited to get a book as I was for this one (even more than Warren Ellis's Crooked Little Vein). For the first time ever, I pre-ordered it. It got to me on Saturday the 21st, I ripped open the box and began reading.
There were, of course mixed emotions throughout my reading. I am that annoying type of person who gets emotionally attached to fictional characters, so it was difficult seeing these people die and get hurt. In addition, Rowling went places I didn't want her to. I found myself yelling out loud at the lump of paper in front of me. The book was better written then some of the others (coughbook5cough). Though some sections were not written or plotted in the greatest way, I felt that style and grace were often put aside for the sake of the fans. There was a lot
I am actually finishing this 'review' months after my initial reading - just never got around to it. I think I'll read it again soonish and really pour out my thoughts. But overall, I'm both sad and glad that the series is over. I hope she never sells out and goes back on her word about not writing more about their lives. I think that their futures are important, but can be left in the realm of fanfic-ers.