I have been reading Edward Gorey's Amphigorey, a collection of his books all under one cover, and of course, I am smitten. I don't remember the first time I ever saw a Gorey illustration, or read one of his quirky stories. All I remember is always adoring his work.
Will now indulge myself in a Gorey orgy - reading books after book. At Halloween his style of art is perfect - the dark and macabre, his wonderful skeletons and creepy Victorian scenes. It is no wonder that "Mystery" took his work for the opening - who better to illustrate a murder than the man who drew The Gashleycrumb Tinies.
Re-reading the Tinies, and other stories of his, it makes me think about how Amphigorey is in the children's section (PZ7 in the Lib of Congress classification). Granted, he never did me any harm as a child, but parents today are uptight and paranoid that the slightest thing will make their child scarred for life or a pervert, or worse, make them look like bad parents. I love the dark and gothic feel of his art, and I am not a dark person. Maybe he's just too loved. There must be someone out there who is terribly against him. There always id. Stupid is a guarantee in this world.
All I know is that I will never have enough Gorey in my life. I have long considered turning one of his illustrations in to a tattoo - that way I can take him with me wherever I go.