22 April 2015


Don't get mad, but I haven't read much Terry Pratchett in the past.  I've read two Discworld books, actually. Wyrd Sisters, which I acquired in college when dating a Discworld fanatic, and recently the Colour of Magic. And this isn't because I don't like Pratchett - I love him - it's just that my reading history often doesn't go in the same directions as most. I didn't grow up reading as much fantasy and I just...missed it.  But I am going to fix that. I plan on continuing to read Discworld books, though not right away, in a row.

What is interesting is the argument as to HOW to read these.  I assumed, like most, that you could read them in the order they were published.  But some, like my college ex, will jump around and scream a lot if you suggest this.  They think that the books should be read chronologically.  I've also seen them divided up by characters or groups.  What stands out the most for me is the fervor that this topic can insight in people.  It's scary. And often entertaining.  Of course, when someone re-arranged all the Discworld books in our college Sci-Fi library from being alphabetical to being in order they came out, it was neither.  This was aggravating and there followed much violence.

I have not decided on a best course of action for my reading.  I got The Colour of Magic on my kindle, but it's likely that going forward my reading will be more a 'as-I-acquire-them' sort of order. I have a used book store nearby that is my friend, but you have to take things as they come in.

Hey, if the Disc doesn't have to answer to your rules of science and order, then neither do I!

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