20 May 2015

Reading List

When I first started using Evernote, one of the first things I did was create a reading list.  When a book came up that I wanted to remember for later, I added it to the list.  They have little check boxes for me to check off when I'd read them.  Sometimes it was the name of a series, or an author, or just some notes I vaguely remembered. And when I remembered to, I'd go back to my list to help decide what to read next.
   Well, in a time when I wasn't reading much, it became where book titles went to die.  But now I'm adding these titles to my GoodReads "To Read" shelf.  Hopefully, despite the great length this shelf if getting to, they'll be more on my radar as I look for my next reading. Some I haven't located, but I'll find them. Books can't hide from me.  I'm a Library Wench. We find what we want and we READ IT.

By the way - if you are not up to joining Goodreads, the I highly recommend Evernote for your book and reading tracking. Or for keeping pages to read later. Or planning. Or ANYTHING.  Really, it's one of the best apps out there and is rated such by groups that track these things.  Use it on web and all your devices.  In fact, it was one of the only apps that I could really use on my old Blackberry Bold that was functional and easy and actually made for RIM.  And if you're on iOS, Penultimate is a buddy app.  Skritch is too, and is on Android and iOS.  I am not paid for these recommendations by Evernote - I'm just a happy user. ^_^

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