27 August 2008


Haven't we all said it at one time? Thought it? Considered buying the t-shirt? "Too many books, too little time."

Now I find myself living it.

I am continuously caught in the trap of reading two to three books at once. Or picking up a graphic novel or two on the side. Ordering books from ILL as I see them, despite surely NOT having the time to finish them before they're due. Suddenly the overdue notices spring up on you!
I am currently reading the novelization of Fritz Lang's film Metropolis by his wife Thea Harbou, a version illustrated beautifully by Michael Kaluta. I keep being torn from it by other things and life. I must focus on this one.
I had begun The Threepenny Opera but I think I'll drop it for now. I can learn of the play's plot later.
Recently author John Scalzi released a new book, and reviews of it (on one or more of the various blogs I read that would mention such things) mad me think that I should read Old Man's War first. I'm 50 pages in and I love it. Good sci-fi and humor - just what I need right now. Space travel is my favorite.
While at the public library looking for something completely different I stumbled upon the comic Marvel 1602. It's Marvel characters in the year 1602. Not a big X-men fan, so it's not doing too much for me. I can only pick out a few of the characters anyway. Not sure if I'll finish it or not. Depends on how soon the due date sneaks up on me.
Another sci-fi book is (perhaps) on its way to me via ILL. It JUST came out, so I'm doubting anyone will send it. Prolly better that way - gives me more time to read the above! TI's called Sly Mongoose and I can no longer remember what it's about. I read about it online (BoingBoing?) and ordered it two seconds later. Damnit, libraries will be the end to me, I swear! In addition, a book about food culture and growing, Animal, vegetable, miracle: a year of food life by Barbara Kingsolver was recommended to me. Depends on how the next few weeks go before I think of cracking the cover. I also want to read, at some point, the same author's Poisonwood Bible.

I've been thinking lately about my reading. I am always reading something - I often carry a purse that a book will fit in. But lately I think my reading has been taking my time, energy, and brain power away from other things in life. Important things. Like my future. I'm caught at the moment in a paralyzing fear and detrimental stasis regarding life and my future. I have been wasting my life away at a worthless job (albeit in a library, thus providing me with plentiful books!) and avoiding doing all that needs to be done to move on. This fear has, lately, truly come to mind and I think that I may be subconsciously distracting myself. Sink my brain in to wondrous other worlds rather than face reality.

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