21 April 2015

Reading and Writing about Reading

As a long time book nerd, it was a little unsettling when I realized just how little I read these days.  With work and activities, and coming home tired, I was continuing to amass books at home, enlarge my "to read" list, but never do anything about them!  My living situation became a lot about sitting in front of the tv and not having a place to read comfortably.  Now, my new living situation affords me a more comfortable space to quietly read, but I would still find myself in front of the tv with my computer on my lap. I'd go to bed, more often then not, with a headache from the eye strain or my neck angle.  And I wasn't reading.  I wasn't escaping to a fantasy world or learning anything, or just having those quiet moments to myself.

So I decided to change that.  I've decided to go back to always having a book or two being read.  And I'm going to track them again on GoodReads.  I also made a brand new LibraryThing to catalog the ones I own. Because I need to. Because reasons.

Another part of my new leaf (or returning to the old leaf, I guess) is that I want to write about my books more.  Sometimes you just need to get ideas and thoughts about a character or story out of your head, put feelings in to words.  Hopefully that means a return to Bibliorantics.

In the meantime, a quick overview:

  • I just started a book on the history of surveying the US. Looking forward to some nonfiction!
  • Recently read Terry Pratchett's The Colour of Magic finally.  I'd read so little Discworld in the past so I want to start at teh beginning and work my way through.
  • Started the new Ms. Marvel series, reading volume one (issues 1-5) No Normal.  I LOVE IT. Kamala, the new Ms. Marvel, is instantly likable and relateable.  I need more immediately. I forsee myself devouring this series.
  • Just finished a cute YA book called A Taste for Red by Lewis Harris about vampires.  But it's a different spin, and it's really light and adorable.  I wish the author would write more about the main character, Svetlana.  It would be a great series for young kids who want to read about vamps and the supernatural.

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